Индивидуальный счетчик тепла в квартире: Как поставить счётчики на отопление в квартиру: установка индивидуальных расходомеров

Как установить счетчик отопления? | ЖКХ | Недвижимость

Минстрой разработал проект поправок в Жилищный кодекс, которые могут быть приняты уже до конца этого года. Согласно документу, россияне смогут платить за отопление по показаниям поквартирных счетчиков на батареях и указывать в квитанциях цифры фактического потребления тепла. 

Если поправки примут, жильцы будут иметь возможность самостоятельно регулировать объем потребляемого тепла и платить только за него, но при этом в доме все равно должен быть установлен общедомовой счетчик, который позволит вычислить, сколько тепла потребили жильцы, в квартирах которых не установлены индивидуальные приборы учета.

На сегодняшний день оплачивать за тепло в доме могут только жильцы тех домов, которые полностью оборудованы приборами учета. Все остальные потребители платят за тепло по счетчикам, которые установлены на входе в дом.

Как установить счетчик? 

Если вы захотите установить счетчик тепла в квартире, то вам необходимо выполнить следующее:

— убедиться в возможности его установки. Для этого нужно вызвать специалистов УК и составить акт обследования, что установка прибора учета технически возможна;

— обратиться в управляющую компанию и уточнить, что необходимо для подключения счетчика в вашей квартире;

— выбрать и приобрести счетчик тепла (механический, вихревой, электромагнитный или ультразвуковой). При покупке необходимо взять кассовый и товарные чеки, сертификат качества, инструкцию по эксплуатации;

— обратиться в специализированную компанию, которая имеет лицензию на установку счетчиков тепла. Она должна разработать проект на установку счетчика, который нужно будет еще согласовать с управляющей компанией.

— после установки счетчика нужно будет опломбировать его в присутствии представителя управляющей компании. 

После этого оплату услуг теплоснабжения можно осуществлять по показаниям счетчика тепла.

Везде ли можно установить счетчик отопления? 

Нет, не везде. Есть дома, это технически невозможно. Как правило, это старые здания, в которых обустроена полностью централизованная система коммуникаций. В зданиях, которые были построены двадцать-тридцать лет назад, счетчик нужно будет ставить на каждый стояк. Установить один прибор учета возможно только в случае горизонтальной поквартирной разводки труб, если в квартиру заходит только один стояк отопления и от него запитаны все остальные радиаторы в квартире. 

В чем преимущества и недостатки счетчиков отопления? 

Поквартирные счетчики тепла позволяют снизить коммунальные платежи. Дело в том, что в доме без счетчиков платеж зависит от площади помещения, норматива потребления тепловой энергии и тарифа на тепло. При наличии общедомового счетчика расчет платы зависит от объема потребленной энергии всеми жильцами дома, и платеж на каждую квартиру рассчитывают с учетом ее площади. А в тех домах, которые полностью оснащены счетчиками, платеж состоит из двух частей — за тепло, потребленное внутри квартиры, и тепло, которое ушло на обогрев общедомовых помещений: холлов, лестниц и площадок.

Недостатком поквартирных счетчиков является то, что в случае выхода из строя хотя бы одного прибора учета в доме платить по такому прибору собственники квартир уже не смогут. До окончания его ремонта или же замены оплачивать отопление все жильцы будут по общедомовому счетчику тепла.

Возможна ли установка счетчика тепла в квартиру? действующее законодательство и необходимый порядок действий граждан — счетчики и учет тепла — тепло — статьи и исследования

Цена установки теплосчетчиков в квартире

Те, кто занимается установкой индивидуальных счетчиков тепла в квартирах, предлагают клиентам вариативность цен. В зависимости от того, купит жилец счетчик на тепло сам или согласится на тот, что предложит установить сервис, стоимость будет отличаться.

Если гражданин берет на себя порядок выбора индивидуального теплосчетчика, у него есть три варианта:

  1. Тахометрический. Устроен как большинство водосчетчиков. Основной элемент – крыльчатка. Находится не на самом хорошем счету у УК, так как в его работу достаточно легко вмешаться с целью подтасовки измерений. Не самый выгодный аспект счетчика, так учитывающего тепло – его чувствительность к качеству и составу носителя тепла, с которым он контактирует;
  2. Ультразвуковой. Он выгодный тем, что сфальсифицировать показания не возможно. Взаимодействуя с кипятком, он не повреждается, так как не имеет важных механических частей внутри трубы. Все замеры выполняются с помощью ультразвука;
  3. Накладной. Не требует вмешательства в конструкцию трубопровода. Накладывается на радиатор батареи в квартире и замеряет температуру теплоносителя и температуру в комнате.

Цены на теплосчетчики в Москве и Московской области отличаются в зависимости от комплектации и производителя.

Осуществлять установку индивидуального счетчика тепла в квартире удобнее и экономичнее летом, когда радиатор пустует, не требуется сливать воду и перекрывать стояк. Если счетчик будет незамедлительно опломбирован и зарегистрирован в УК, то с самого начала следующего сезона, плата за отопление в квартире будет уже начисляться по показаниям.

Принцип действия теплосчетчиков

Сразу оговоримся, что установка данного устройства возможна лишь в тех квартирах, где разводка труб вертикальная. Что касается принципа действия, то он основывается на измерении температуры на входе/выходе магистрали и расчете потребленной тепловой энергии при помощи теплоносителя. Сам учет основан на ряде подходов в плане фиксации показателей расхода, а также в последующей обработке полученной информации.

Большая часть современных моделей оснащена входом к персональному компьютеру, а показатели расхода хранятся в памяти счетчика на протяжении десяти (!) лет. Сам прибор состоит из следующих элементов:

  • вычислитель;
  • расходомер;
  • два температурных датчика.

Помимо того, питание вычислителей может быть автономным или внешним, рассмотрим каждый из них детальнее.

  • Модели автономного типа нуждаются в питании на 24 ватта, в связи с чем требуется установка трансформатора энергии.
  • Вычислители второго типа характеризуются достаточно короткими проводами, а также тем, что срок службы элементов питания незначителен (порядка шести лет).

Преимущества установки теплосчетчиков на отопление в квартире

Мысль об установке индивидуальных счетчиков тепла в квартире посещает жителей Москвы из-за существенных перебоев с отоплением. В холодный сезон года температура в жилом помещении может быть настолько низкой, что семьи вынуждены находиться д

Мосжилинспекция разъясняет в чем различие между индивидуальными приборами учета тепла и распределителями

Главная составляющая оплаты за жилищно-коммунальные услуги – плата за отопление. При этом в зависимости от конструктивных особенностей инженерных коммуникаций применяются различные методики коммерческого расчета за потребленные ресурсы.

Как пояснил начальник Мосжилинспекции Олег Кичиков, есть отличия между индивидуальными приборами учета тепла и распределителями, различается и порядок расчетов за предоставляемую коммунальную услугу по показаниям таких приборов.

Так, индивидуальный прибор учета тепла – это средство измерения, устанавливаемое на одно жилое или нежилое помещение в многоквартирном доме (за исключением жилого помещения в коммунальной квартире), используемое для определения объемов (количества) потребления тепловой энергии в каждом из указанных помещений. Критерии отсутствия возможности установки индивидуального прибора учета тепла отражены в приказе Минрегиона России от 29.12.2011 № 627.

Индивидуальный прибор учета тепла устанавливается на границе эксплуатационной ответственности между управляющей организацией (жилищным объединением) и собственником жилого или нежилого помещения в многоквартирном доме.

Распределитель – это устройство, используемое в многоквартирном доме, оборудованном коллективным (общедомовым) прибором учета тепловой энергии, и позволяющее определить долю объема потребления коммунальной услуги по отоплению, приходящуюся на отдельное жилое или нежилое помещение, в котором установлены такие устройства, в общем объеме потребления коммунальной услуги по отоплению во всех жилых и нежилых помещениях в многоквартирном доме, в которых установлены распределители.

Распределители устанавливаются на всех отопительных приборах, имеющихся в границах одного жилого или нежилого помещения в многоквартирном доме.

По словам Олег Кичикова, начисление платы за предоставленную коммунальную услугу «отопление» по показаниям индивидуальных приборов учета тепла или по показаниям распределителей возможно только при условии, что многоквартирный дом оснащен работоспособным и допущенным к коммерческим расчетам ресурсоснабжающей организацией общедомовым прибором учета тепловой энергии (ОДПУ ТЭ), а индивидуальные приборы учета тепла или распределители введены в эксплуатацию в соответствии с требованиями п.81 постановления Правительства Российской Федерации от 06.05.2011 № 354.

При этом учет тепловой энергии с использованием распределителей возможен только, если более 50 процентов общей площади всех помещений в многоквартирном доме, оборудовано распределителями, тогда как учет тепловой энергии с использованием индивидуальных приборов учета тепла не предусматривает какие-либо требования по количеству оснащенных индивидуальными приборами учета тепла помещений.

как рассчитывается оплата тепла, как проверить

Прибор учета может располагаться прямо на радиаторе. Источник: digitaloceanspaces.com

Но есть одно но: ИПУ «работают» только в домах, построенных или отремонтированных не раньше 2012 года. В них обязательно должны быть счетчики в каждой квартире, и жильцам нельзя их снимать ни при каких условиях.

А вот для тех, кто живет в старых домах, всё чуть сложнее. Управляющим компаниям ничего не остается, кроме как рассчитать плату за отопление по классической формуле: умножить объем потребленной тепловой энергии на установленный тариф и разделить на всех жильцов с учетом площади их квартир.

Пример расчета платы за отопление. Источник: digitaloceanspaces.com

Оплачивать отопление по счетчику в многоквартирном доме можно только в том случае, если все жильцы на это согласны. Для этого проводится собрание, осуществляются сборы денег на покупку и монтаж счетчиков, заключается договор с управляющей компанией. Процесс долгий, сложный, не всегда реализуемый: в старых домах живут пожилые люди, которым это не надо, да и не всякий молодой человек захочет тратиться на ИПУ, ждать дома специалиста по монтажу и тратить время на собрания.

И питомцам тоже необходимо тепло! Источник: digitaloceanspaces.com

Подводя итог: индивидуальные приборы учета на отопление работают так же, как и прочие счетчики. По ним снимаются показания и оплачивается фактически полученное тепло. ИПУ на отопление установлены в домах не старше 2012 года. В более старых домах счетчики в квартирах имеют смысл лишь тогда, когда на них согласны все до единого жильцы.

90000 Heat meters for heating in the apartment 90001 90002 Payment for heating by individual deviceaccounting will cost several times cheaper than reimbursement of costs for some incredible rates, most of which are heat losses during the transportation of water from the CHPP to the house. 90003 90002 For this reason, the installation of heat meters forheating is the first priority, which any homeowner must decide. And this task is very simple to solve, as the modern market of control and measuring instruments is literally packed with an abundance of models of heat meters.90003 90006 Benefits 90007 90002 If you decide to use the deviceof accounting, as a result you will pay for the heating provided to you strictly at a fixed rate and only the amount that will exactly correspond to the meter reading. At the same time, it will be possible to regulate the access of heat to the house or apartment, taking into account the weather conditions. This action can be performed either manually by means of a special locking device or in an automatic mode by means of a special heat control system.90003 90006 Design Features 90007 90002 Heat meters for heating consist of the following main elements: 90003 90014 90015 the computational module; 90016 90015 two sensors that record temperature; 90016 90015 flow sensor. 90016 90021 90002 These elements are combined into a single plasticthe body, completed with branch pipes for the subsequent connection of the counter to pipelines. To date, many heat meters for heating are equipped with autonomous power supply, which allows these devices to function without a source of electrical energy.In other words, if your apartment or house is permanently left without electricity, the meter will take heat into account. 90003 90002 In addition, any meter must have a certificate and a passport. In the documentation, the manufacturer must indicate the date of the first verification. 90003 90006 The principle of the heat meter for heating 90007 90002 This equipment is equipped with twosensors, one of which is a temperature sensor, the second — a flow. The first task is to measure the temperature, the second sensor calculates the amount of heat consumed.90003 90002 The main component of any meteris a heat calculator, which is a kind of calculator, which gives the results of the calculation. To do this, the amount of heat spent on the meter is multiplied by the temperature. As a result, you get testimonies that you need to pay. Here’s how the heat meter works for heating. 90003 90006 Classification by constructive scheme 90007 90002 At the present time, there is an incrediblethe number of models of heating meters, which combines a similar operating principle, the difference consists only in the amount of information stored in their archives and a set of additional functions .Let’s consider the main types of these devices. 90003 90006 Mechanical 90007 90002 Mechanical heat meters for heatingaccount for the amount of coolant entering the system. In such equipment, an impeller is used as a reading device, which is located in the meter body. When the coolant moves through the pipelines, the impeller rotates, which transmits the torque to the shaft with special drums. On the surface of the drums there are figures. However, after a few seasons, the impeller is clogged with rust and scale particles.90003 90006 Electromagnetic 90007 90002 Heat meters for heating in this apartmenttype fix the movement of the coolant in the housing when the electromagnetic field vector is deflected. In general, this device is an improved version of the mechanical counter, inert to the degree and quality of contamination of the coolant. The accuracy of electromagnetic equipment is an order of magnitude higher than its mechanical counterpart. For this reason, these devices are gradually replacing obsolete meters of a mechanical type.90003 90006 Vortex 90007 90002 Vortex instruments fix turbulence inflow of circulating fluid that washes an artificially created obstacle. These heat meters for heating in the apartment on the battery can be mounted both in a horizontal wiring near the heater, and in a vertical riser. Such equipment with the same efficiency functions as household and utility meters. 90003 90006 Ultrasound 90007 90002 Ultrasonic heat meters for heatingfix the velocity of the stream (sound wave), which moves along a section of known length.This equipment can work endlessly due to the lack of moving elements. The only drawback of the ultrasonic meter is the high sensitivity to the quality of the coolant. It reacts to scale, scale and even air bubbles. For this reason, such devices are recommended to be installed before the replaceable filter. 90003 90006 What affects the accuracy of the device 90007 90002 When calculating the amount of heat consumed, the error of the counter depends on the errors of the temperature sensors, the flowmeter and the calculator that processes the collected values.90003 90002 As a rule, devices with an allowable error in calculating the consumed heat in the range of ± 6 to ± 10% are used for apartment accounting. 90003 90002 The actual error may be higher than the basic error, which is due to the technical characteristics of the constituent elements. The accuracy of the heat meter increases in the following situations: 90003 90060 90015 Installation was performed in violation of requirementsmanufacturers (as a rule, manufacturers withdraw from themselves the warranty obligations, if the installation of the counter was made by an unlicensed organization).90016 90015 The flow rate of the heat carrier is well below the minimum flow rate, which is indicated in the technical characteristics of the device. 90016 90015 The difference in the temperature of the coolant in the supply and return lines is less than 3 ° C. 90016 90067 90002 Also it is worth paying attention to the fans of magnetic braking counters on the fact that modern equipment has protection from the magnetic field. 90003 90006 Installation 90007 90002 Any installation work of the heating system, including the installation of a heat meter, should only be performed by specialists.To install a meter for heating, you will need the following: 90003 90060 90015 Order project documentation. 90016 90015 Agree the package of documents with the municipal service and get permission to install the meter. 90016 90015 With the approval of the commission, the project is implemented, and heat meters for heating in the apartment take their place. 90016 90015 In the end, the meter must be registered in the municipal service (otherwise it is considered void), and only after that give it to use.90016 90067 90002 After the above procedures, it is necessary to call specialists who must do the following: 90003 90060 90015 Develop a project. 90016 90015 To coordinate the documentation. 90016 90015 Install the meter. 90016 90015 Officially register the equipment. 90016 90015 To hand over the meter for use and to transfer the supervisory organization to it in charge. 90016 90067 90006 Conclusion 90007 90002 Summarizing all of the above, it is worthwhile to drawspecial attention to the fact that any meter (individual, communal) must have a passport and a certificate that will confirm its compliance with the norms of operation.Also, once in four years, utility utilities should check the meters. The note on the results of the inspection should be reflected in the passport of the measuring equipment. 90003 .90000 How to put a counter on the heating in the apartment, what pitfalls installation and registration 90001 90002 Payment for use of central heating is growing rapidly every year, accounting for nearly half of utility bills. Set the meter for heating the apartment, gain independence from the standards, to pay for the specific consumption of thermal energy — the dream of the residents of apartment buildings. 90003 90002 It would seem that, individual metering of heat energy consumption is beneficial to all.The management company will be able to track door-heat consumption, identify defaulters. Residents are able to make a payment for actual consumption of thermal energy, regardless of other consumers. 90003 90002 Then why not do the law №261-FZ, what or who it is hampered. How to install a heat meter and keep paying only for their heat consumption? Is this possible on a legal basis? 90003 90008 The legal necessity of installing a heat meter 90009 90002 Do we need heat meters on the heating in the apartment of a multistory apartment building — so the question is not put properly.according to Law №261-FZ on energy conservation prescribed by the technical possibilities available to install at their own expense apartment heat meters up 1 January 2015 of the year. 90011 90003 90002 What does the Russian legislation on energy saving? 90003 90002 In this case, contrary to the law, comes RF Government Decree №354, where each user is granted the right to decide the question of the use of the common house-heat unit of heat energy, or install a heat meter in an apartment on their own.90003 90002 it, it would seem that, fully democratic ruling, It nullifies the efforts of residents, wishing to set individual heat metering devices. In this case, the management company and the thermal energy suppliers do not suffer, take a general house-performance and distributed uniformly over the area of ​​the building. 90003 90002 The fact, that the payment method on the service central heating regulated by Decree KM №354. There is clearly stated, that the counter readings on the radiator recorded as legitimate in apartment, if a 100% other consumers multifamily or mixed-use building equipped with the same heat meters.begin conflicts. In addition to that — on the input must be set common house accounting unit. 90003 90002 In practice, there is always the consumer, who for whatever reason do not wish to install a custom counter. Formally, the Russian Federation legislation is not violated. They do not require occupants to produce heating installation counters in apartment, but, on the other hand, It does not forbid it to do. The result — a force, spent on resolving legal issues, purchase and installation of the meter turn futile for all other consumers.90003 90008 Installation of meters in the old tenements 90009 90002 practically 90% housing apartment buildings in Russia is built on standard projects, tied to local conditions. Typical design in principle provides for the installation of heat meters on the heating in a separate apartment. 90003 90002 Here, a central heating system based on the distribution of coolant stoyakovoy circuit with upper and lower bussing. All heaters are connected in parallel to the common risers. What You Should Know, about the distribution of the coolant in an apartment house.90003 90002 At the entrance to the central heating mains in the apartment house provides thermal point with heat meter. The volume flow of coolant determined by the meter reading, evenly distributed on all the apartments according to their area. Payment is made according to the standards. 90003 90002 So how to put counters on the heating in the apartment? When stoyakovoy system two options: 90003 90033 90034 Installation counter on each battery. 90035 90034 Changing the heating circuit wiring so, all devices connected to one riser.Here, only one counter. 90035 90038 90002 Install the heat meter will be in each battery at stoyakovoy system. 90040 90003 90002 Immediately it is worth noting, that the implementation of the second method is unlikely to give permission to the management office. This violates the balance system, coolant to the upper floors simply can not reach. Any unauthorized changes, heating the wiring insertion circuit inadmissible. you will be fined, installed devices do not take into operation, forced to restore the wiring.90003 90002 With regard to the first option. according to order №627 from 29 December 2011 of the year, Do not install individual meters for heating in the apartment house with a common vertical wiring where each riser powered one device. Here, the final decision is given to the management company. Usually, the problem is solved positively, but 2-3 months time it will take on coordination at various levels. 90003 90002 Important! Try to go through all the stages of approvals, install, Connection between heating periods, it will facilitate the sidebar devices.90003 90008 Main matching required when connecting counters 90009 90002 From registration of the application to the delivery device of the heating in the apartment will have to go through certain stages of the legislation, each of which will require significant expenditure of energy, nerves, time, material investments. 90003 90002 Can I put the heating meter in the apartment — the seven steps, that you have to pass everything to be legally. 90053 90003 90002 Before the beginning of the process to determine definitively, whether to do it.Learn from the management company on the actual number of meters already installed in the apartment building, whether there are precedents. 90003 90057 Drafting proposal, project, obtaining TU 90058 90002 The first stage — Active management company, Jack Ili TSJ. Here it is necessary to solve the following series of questions: 90003 90033 90034 Write an application for the establishment of the commission that investigated the apartment in order to determine technical capabilities of central heating in the apartment registration counters, their location.Create Survey Act. 90035 90034 In case of a positive decision of the commission, to write an application for permission to produce this type of work, associated with a change in heating schemes and obtain technical conditions, agreed with the electric power supply organization. Blank TU has a uniform shape, you can see a better heat meter. 90035 90034 After receiving permission, and consistent in all instances TU, heat meters can be purchased at the battery in an apartment or other premises.Technical conditions — an important document, on it acquire, sets the counter, make heating project. 90035 90034 TU project order from a specialized engineering company, which will indicate the location of installation of counters. In the case where the management organization gives the nod to rework heating scheme, bringing it to a single riser, the project shall include all the necessary changes. The project is subject to approval by the management company, resursosnabzhayuschey organization.90035 90038 90002 Purchase counter connected to material costs. 90003 90057 Buying counter, installation, commissioning 90058 90002 unit purchase is made only in specialized stores. Check for certificate-selling products. The device must meet the parameters, specified in TS. The passport must be stamped on the passage of checking at the manufacturer with the date, warranty card. 90003 90002 90078 90003 90002 The best option in order, how to put counters on the heating in the apartment — to turn to a specialized organization, who has a certificate, approvals to conduct this type of work.The organization must be a member in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (check free can here), be approved certificate to the appropriate construction and design activities (SRO). This is important when setting the meter to register the company in the energy-saving. 90003 90082 90034 Make a contract with the organization, calculation, estimates for the carrying out of installation of the heating system and instruments sidebar. Decide on the warranty periods, further support operation of heating metering in apartment, conduct verification and elimination of emergency situations, counter errors.90035 90034 After the installation work, instrument calibration, Make an act of representatives of the management and energy-efficient office organization. 90035 90087 90082 90034 Write an application to the energy-saving company for registration of start-up of meters with a change in the heating system circuit. From now on you will be solely responsible for the correct operation of the devices and their technical condition. Control provides power supply company. 90035 90087 90002 Charge counter choice for central heating in the apartment Organization, that will be your executor.They will purchase such devices, which are fully suited to the requirements specification based on the framework of the permissible value. 90003 90008 Accounting for the distribution of thermal energy in new buildings 90009 90002 Modern design and construction of high-rise residential or mixed-use buildings is carried out in accordance with the requirements Federal Law №261-FZ. It provides for the mandatory equipping buildings door-systems of thermal energy with 1 January 2012 of the year. The question of, how to put the individual heat meter for the apartment heating is not necessary, in principle ,.90003 90098 Node account of thermal energy to the counter in the apartment 90002 The project lays the zoning per floor central heating system with the installation of individual heating stations. Hence it is distributing the supply and return manifolds in each apartment. Such a district heating scheme allows the heat meter in an apartment on legally. 90003 90002 However, even if the legislation Condominium zoned heating system left fly in the ointment. The builders did not install every apartment metering devices, only obschedomovoy.Tenants are required to do so on their own, at their own expense. Again the solution was given at the mercy of the owners of the acquired property. 90003 90002 Judicial practice officially interpreted, that paragraph 7 articles 13 Federal Law №261-specified — mandatory equipment developer of apartment buildings heat flow is applied to homes. About how to install a heat meter in the speech does not go flat. 90003 90002 WITH 1 January 2015 року, the developers set the counters for heating in the apartment necessarily otherwise it is treated in violation of consumer rights.When the project, estimated door-installation of devices not provided, the developer is obliged to mount them at their own expense, otherwise the house is not put into operation. Residents, when the Universe, must pay an additional cost of the device and installation work. 90003 90002 Installation of individual meters for heating in the apartment in two ways: 90003 90082 90034 outlet distributing pipes of the thermal unit per floor heating system; 90035 90034 at the entrance of the control cabinet, Located directly in the apartment.90035 90087 Detail of a floor metering unit with counters 90002 If heat meters in apartment buildings do not have, but it is possible to install, landlord have to go through the stages, described above to install devices at the heating system stoyakovoy. Permit applicant receives automatically, the remaining points of the process are carried out at his expense, independently. The only difference is, that only one individual meters in apartment heating, This reduces material costs. 90003 90002 Be sure to equip every apartment heating system thermostats.Otherwise, the heat of the energy savings can be no question. 90003 90002 emerging conflicts, disputes do not wish to mount the metering device is allowed on the general meeting of tenants. Energy-saving organization has every right to force the landlord to install the meter when it is technically possible. It is stipulated in the Law of the Russian Federation №261 on energy saving. In this case, the law is on the side of the consumer. 90120 90003 90002 Complaints about the financial difficulties are not accepted.The state provides loans of up to 5 years for the purchase of metering devices. It is contemplated by the consumer off a central heating. 90003 90002 Setting the counter to the radiators in the apartment tenants helps to set up and maintain a comfortable temperature during the heating season, gradually consume thermal energy, pay only on the testimony of a heat meter. 90003 90002 90127 90128 90003 90002 Video: 90003 90002 90133 90128 90003 90002 Video: 90003 .90000 Individual thermal point (ITP): scheme, operating principle, operation 90001 90002 The individual thermal point is aa whole set of devices, located in a separate room, which includes elements of thermal equipment. It provides connection to the heat network of these units, their transformation, management of heat consumption modes, efficiency, distribution by types of coolant consumption and regulation of its parameters. 90003 90004 Individual heating point 90005 90002 Thermal installation, engaged in maintenancea building or its separate parts, is an individual heat point, or ITP for short.It is designed to provide hot water, ventilation and heat to residential buildings, housing and communal facilities, as well as production facilities. 90003 90002 For its operation, it will be necessary to connect to the water and heat supply system, as well as the power supply necessary to activate the circulation pump equipment. 90003 90002 Small heat point individual canused in a single family house or a small building connected directly to a centralized heat supply network. Such equipment is designed for heating the premises and heating the water.90003 90002 A large individual heat point is engaged in servicing large or multi-apartment buildings. Its power is in the range from 50 kW to 2 MW. 90003 90004 Main goals 90005 90002 The individual heat point provides the following tasks: 90003 90018 90019 Accounting for heat and coolant consumption. 90020 90019 Protection of the heat supply system from emergency increase of the coolant parameters. 90020 90019 Disconnecting the heat consumption system. 90020 90019 Uniform distribution of the heat carrier by the heat consumption system.90020 90019 Adjustment and control of the parameters of the circulating fluid. 90020 90019 Conversion of the type of coolant. 90020 90031 90004 Benefits 90005 90018 90019 High profitability. 90020 90019 Long-term exploitation of individualthermal point showed that modern equipment of this type, in contrast to other non-automated processes, consumes 30% less thermal energy. 90020 90019 Operational costs are reduced by approximately 40-60%. 90020 90019 The choice of the optimal mode of heat consumption and precise adjustment will allow up to 15% reduction of heat energy losses.90020 90019 Quiet work. 90020 90019 Compactness. 90020 90019 The overall dimensions of modern heat points are directly related to the heat load. With a compact arrangement, an individual heat point with a load of up to 2 Gcal / hour occupies an area of ​​25-30 m 90048 2 90049. 90020 90019 The possibility of placing this device in basement small-sized premises (both in existing and in newly constructed buildings). 90020 90019 The work process is fully automated. 90020 90019 Maintenance of this heat equipment does not require highly qualified personnel.90020 90019 ITP (individual heat point) provides comfort in the room and guarantees effective energy saving. 90020 90019 Ability to set the mode, focusing on the time of day, the application of the mode of the weekend and public holidays, as well as the conduct of weather compensation. 90020 90019 Individual production according to the customer’s requirements. 90020 90031 90004 Thermal energy accounting 90005 90002 The basis of energy-saving measures ismetering device. This account is required to perform calculations for the amount of heat energy consumed between the heat supply company and the subscriber.After all, very often the estimated consumption is much more than the actual consumption, because the heat suppliers overestimate their values ​​when calculating the load, referring to the additional costs. Such situations will avoid the installation of meters. 90003 90004 Assignment of metering devices 90005 90018 90019 Ensuring fair financial settlements between consumers and energy suppliers. 90020 90019 Documenting the parameters of the heat supply system, such as pressure, temperature and coolant flow.90020 90019 Monitoring the rational use of the energy system. 90020 90019 Control over the hydraulic and thermal operation of the heat consumption and heat supply system. 90020 90031 90004 Classical scheme of the meter 90005 90018 90019 The counter of thermal energy. 90020 90019 The manometer. 90020 90019 Thermometer. 90020 90019 Thermal converter in the return and supply pipeline. 90020 90019 Primary flow transmitter. 90020 90019 Strain-magnetic filter. 90020 90031 90004 Service 90005 90018 90019 Connect the reader and then take the reading.90020 90019 Analysis of errors and finding out the reasons for their occurrence. 90020 90019 Checking the integrity of the seals. 90020 90019 Analysis of results. 90020 90019 Checking of technological indicators, and also comparison of indications of thermometers on a supply and return pipeline. 90020 90019 Adding oil to the sleeves, cleaning the filters, checking the ground contacts. 90020 90019 Removal of dirt and dust. 90020 90019 Recommendations for the proper operation of internal heat supply networks.90020 90031 90004 Heat station layout 90005 90002 The classical ITP scheme includes the following nodes: 90003 90018 90019 Enter the heat network. 90020 90019 Accounting device. 90020 90019 Connecting the ventilation system. 90020 90019 Connection of the heating system. 90020 90019 Hot water supply connection. 90020 90019 Coordination of pressures between heat consumption and heat supply systems. 90020 90019 Filling is connected by an independent scheme of heating and ventilation systems.90020 90031 90002 When designing a heat point project, the mandatory nodes are: 90003 90018 90019 Accounting device. 90020 90019 Coordination of pressures. 90020 90019 Enter the heat network. 90020 90031 90002 The configuration of other nodes, as well as their number is selected depending on the design decision. 90003 90004 Consumption systems 90005 90002 The standard scheme of an individual heat point can have the following systems for providing thermal energy to consumers: 90003 90018 90019 Heating.90020 90019 Hot water supply. 90020 90019 Heating and hot water supply. 90020 90019 Heating, hot water supply and ventilation. 90020 90031 90004 ITP for heating 90005 90002 ITP (individual heat point) — schemeindependent, with the installation of a plate heat exchanger, which is designed for 100% load. The installation of a twin pump compensating for the loss of pressure level is envisaged. The make-up of the heating system is provided from the return pipeline of the heating networks. 90003 90002 This heat station can be additionally equipped with a hot water supply unit, a meter, as well as other necessary units and units.90003 90004 ITP for DHW 90005 90002 ITP (individual heat point) — schemeindependent, parallel and single-stage. The set includes two plate heat exchangers, each of them is designed for 50% of the load. There is also a group of pumps designed to compensate for the pressure drop. 90003 90002 In addition, the heating unit can be equipped with a heating system unit, a meter and other necessary units and units. 90003 90004 ITP for heating and hot water 90005 90002 In this case, the work of an individual thermal (ITP) is organized according to an independent scheme.For the heating system, a plate heat exchanger is provided, which is designed for 100% load. The scheme of hot water supply is independent, two-stage, with two plate-type heat exchangers. In order to compensate for the pressure drop, a group of pumps is installed. 90003 90002 The heating system is fed withusing appropriate pumping equipment from the return pipeline of heating networks. The hot water supply is supplied from the cold water supply system. 90003 90002 In addition, the ITP (individual heat point) is equipped with a meter.90003 90004 ITP for heating, hot water supply and ventilation 90005 90002 The heat installation is connected toindependent scheme. For a heating and ventilation system a plate heat exchanger is used, designed for 100% load. The scheme of hot water supply is independent, parallel, single-stage, with two plate heat exchangers, designed for 50% of the load each. Compensation for lowering the pressure level is carried out by means of a group of pumps. 90003 90002 The heating system is fed from the return piping of the heating networks.The hot water supply is supplied from the cold water supply system. 90003 90002 In addition, an individual heat point in an apartment building can be equipped with a meter. 90003 90004 Principle of operation 90005 90002 The scheme of the heat point is directly dependent onfeatures of the source, supplying energy to the ITP, as well as the characteristics of the consumers served by it. The most common for this heat installation is a closed system of hot water supply with the connection of the heating system according to an independent scheme.90003 90002 The individual heat point principle of operation has this: 90003 90018 90019 On the supply pipeline, the coolant enters the ITP, gives heat to the heaters of the heating and hot water supply system, and also enters the ventilation system. 90020 90019 Then the coolant is sent to the return pipeline and through the backbone network goes back for reuse to the heat generating company. 90020 90019 Some volume of heat carrier can be consumedconsumers. To compensate for the losses at the heat source in the CHP and boiler houses, recharge systems are provided that use water treatment systems for these enterprises as a source of heat.90020 90019 The incoming water in 90020 90031.90000 Ultrasonic Heat Meter With M-bus Modbus 90001 90002 90003 Apartment-use Ultrasonic heat meter 90004 90005 90002 90003 CRL-G series DN32 ~ DN300, mm 90004 90005 90002 90005 90012 90005 90002 Product Description 90005 90002 90005 90002 Applications: 90005 90002 90005 90002 CRL-G is suitable for use in public buildings, apartments, heat-exchange stations or in centralized heating (cooling) system, working on heat distribution basis for measured of aggregate heat consumption.90005 90002 90005 90002 90005 90002 Features: 90005 90002 90005 90002 1. Specially designed for Apartment use, 90003 high in measuring accuracy and reliability. 90004 90005 90002 90005 90002 90003 2. 90004 90003 No mechanical moving part 90004 and there is no wear and tear, the meter is long in service life. 90003 Unaffected by poor quality of water. 90004 90005 90002 90005 90002 90003 3. 90004 The pipe section for meter mounting is straight-through design without flow-restricting element.Highly sensitive to a minimal flowrate 90005 90012 90003 4. 90004 The meter operates with ultrasonic flow measuring technology. It can be 90003 mounted on pipe at any angles 90004 and do not affect the measuring of meter. 90005 90012 90005 90012 90003 5. 90004 It supports 90003 Photoelectric, RS-485 and M-BUS output interfaces. 90004 It is possible to realize the remote data reading function for the centralized control and management of users. 90005 90012 90005 90012 90003 6.90004 It is designed with a 90003 Protection class of IP68 90004, for effectively eliminating the effect on meter operation produced by vapours and condensate. The meter can keep on working under long-term submersion in water and is particularly suitable for use under poor industrial consitions. 90005 90012 90005 90012 90003 The effect of IP68: 90004 90005 90012 90005 90012 90003 90004 90005 90012 90005 90012 90005 90012 90003 The following is Technical Data: 90004 90005 90012 90005 90096 90097 90098 90099 Item 90100 90101 Parameter 90100 90103 90098 90099 Material of pipe section 90100 90101 Nominal Diameter 90100 90103 90098 90099 Nonimal Diameter 90100 90101 DN32 ~ DN300 90100 90103 90098 90117 Measuring range 90100 90101 Temperature Range (℃) 90100 90101 4 ~ 130 (Please specify when ordering if temperature exceeds the stated range) 90100 90103 90098 90101 Temperature Difference (K) 90100 90101 3 ~ 70 (Min.value of ex-factory is 0.2K) 90100 90103 90098 90101 Min. Temperature Pair Error (℃) 90100 90101 ± 0.1 90100 90103 90098 90099 90002 Max. Admissible Working 90005 90002 Pressure (MPa) 90005 90100 90101 1.6 (Please specify when ordering if temperature exceeds the stated range) 90100 90103 90098 90099 Accuracy 90100 90101 Class 2 90100 90103 90098 90099 Type of Temperature Sensor 90100 90101 Pt1000, DIN / IEC751B 90100 90103 90098 90099 Protection Class 90100 90101 90002 Integral version: IP68; 90005 90002 Non-interal version: Lower conversion unit is IP68, Upper conversion unit is IP65 90005 90002 (Please specify when ordering the version of IP68) 90005 90100 90103 90098 90171 Power Supply (mW) 90100 90101 Battery-powered with a service life>
10 years 90100 90103 90098 90101 DC12V ~ 24V 90100 90103 90098 90101 AC 220V ± 10%, 50Hz 90100 90103 90098 90101 <0.8 90100 90103 90098 90099 Working Environment 90100 90101 Class B 90100 90103 90098 90099 Communication type 90100 90101 M-BUS / RS-485, Photoelectric Interface 90100 90103 90098 90201 Display content 90100 90101 8-digit + prompting character 90100 90103 90098 90101 90002 Nominal Diameter Cumulative heat quantity KW · h or MJ, thermal power KW 90005 90002 Nominal Diameter≥DN50: Cumulative heat quantity MW · h or GJ, thermal power MW 90005 90100 90103 90098 90101 Instantaneous flowrate: m³ / h, Cumulative volume: m³, Supply water temperature: ℃, Return water temperature: ℃, Temperature difference: K, Total operating time: h 90100 90103 90098 90101 Date: Y / M / D, Clock: h / m / s 90100 90103 90098 90101 90002 Nominal Diameter Display range of cumulative heat quantity: 0 ~ 999999.99KW · h 90005 90002 Nominal Diameter≥DN50: Display range of cumulative heat quantity: 0 ~ 999999.99MW · h 90005 90100 90103 90098 90099 Display Resolution 90100 90101 90002 Nominal Diameter 0.1 KW · h or 1MJ, thermal power: KW, Cumulative volume 0.001m³, Temp. 0.01 ℃, Temp. difference 0.01K. 90005 90002 Nominal Diameter≥DN50: Cumulative heat quantity 0.01MW · h or 0.1GJ, 90237 Thermal power 0.0001MW, Cumulative volume 0.1m³, Temp. 0.01 ℃, 90005 90002 Temp. difference 0.01K. 90005 90100 90103 90098 90099 Storage Temperature (℃) 90100 90101 -25 ~ +55 90100 90103 90098 90099 Data Storage (EEPROM) 90100 90101 90002 Heat quantity, Cumulative volume and corresponding time and the Max.thermal power 90005 90002 of the current month can be stored by month. 90237 Latest 24 month's data can be stored. 90005 90100 90103 90098 90099 Mounting position of Meter 90100 90101 On supply water pipe 90100 90103 90266 90267 90012 90005 90012 90003 Packing details: 90004 90005 90012 90005 90012 90003 1 set in one wood box. 90004 90005 90012 90005 90012 90005 90002 Our Services 90005 90002 90005 90002 Our company provides 90003 OEM service 90004, design and manufacture, buyer's label service.90005 90292 90005 90002 Company Information 90005 90002 Tangshan Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd - Manufacturer of Ultrasonic water meter, Flow meter and Heat meter 90003 from 1998! 90004 90005 90002 Stock code: 300371 90005 90002 90005 90002 Whenever you have questions or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact me at any time. 90005 90002 90003 Skype ID: alicebj69 90004 90005 90002 90005 90002 90005 .

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